The following regulations have been made by the Town Council of the Town of Carmanville under the provisions of Section 414.(1).(ee) of the Municipalities Act, 1999, as amended.
Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Carmanville on the 19th day of April, 2004. MOTION 1626-04
1) These regulations may be cited as the Town of Carmanville Noise Regulations.
2) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Act” means the Municipalities Act, 1999, as amended.
- “Council” means the Town Council of the Town of Carmanville.
- “nuisance” means anything, or any condition of things, which has or will have, in the opinion of Council, an unpleasant effect on the senses, or has or will have, an adverse affect on the amenities of the surrounding property.
- “owner” includes agent, tenant or occupier
- “Town” means the Town of Carmanville as defined by the Carmanville Municipal Plan, Future Land Use Map A, adopted by Council, January 22, 1996.
3) No person shall create a noise within the boundaries of the Town through the use of firearms, fireworks, or other similar noise-making devices, except as may be approved by Council and subject to the approval of law enforcement or other regulatory agencies.
4) No person shall use, within the Town, a lawnmower, chainsaw, engine brakes or other piece of machinery or equipment which may disturb the peace and quiet of a neighbourhood, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. of any one day to 7:00 a.m. of the following day, except as may otherwise be approved by Council.
5) No person, firm, or corporation shall permit or maintain a nuisance by creating loud noises and/or raucous sounds or by creation or participating in any raucous behaviour that, in the opinion of Council, may have an unpleasant or disagreeable effect upon the senses.
6) Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to prohibit:
- The sounding of any bell, horn, siren or other warning device of any vehicle where the law required, or when responding to an emergency.
- The ringing of church bells or chimes
- The sounding of motor vehicle horns in a wedding procession or in parades permitted by Council.
- Noises associated with festival days and activities.
7) Every person who fails to comply with or otherwise contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to the penalty as set out in the said Act.
8) These regulations came into effect on the 15th day of May 2004.
Pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 156 of the Municipalities Act, Chapter M-24 1999, the Town of Carmanville has made the following regulations .
(Amended November 3rd, 2008, Motion – 2571 – 08)
1) These regulations may be cited as the Town of Carmanville Water and Sewage Regulations 2008.
2) Interpretation: In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Act” means The Municipal Act
- “Council” means the Town Council of Carmanville
- “Customer” means any person, firm or corporation who or which contracts with Council to be connected to the system;
- “Municipality” means the Town of Carmanville
- “Service” means water supply and/or sewage disposal service supplied to a customer
- “System” means water supply and/or sewage disposal system of the Town of Carmanville
- “Inspector” means any person appointed as such by the Council
- “Domestic Service” means the type of service supplied to the owner or his authorized agent or to the occupant or tenant of any space or area occupied for the distinct purpose of a dwelling house, rooming house, apartment or flat.
3) No Service shall be provided by the system until the prospective customer contacts by written letter or application to Council to be connected to the system.
- Service lines for water supply shall be a government approved line for a single family residential unit or such greater size as may be approved by Council for multiple residential units and commercial buildings.
- Service lines for water supply shall be installed at a minimum underground depth of 1.5m (5 ft.) unless otherwise approved by Council.
- Where there is more than one service on a line, Council’s approval must be given. All branch lines must be equipped with a curb stop.
- Customers shall be responsible for the supply and installation of the following :
- Pressure reducing valve
- Vacuum release valve on water heater
- Sewer check valve
4) Service lines for sewerage disposal shall be 100 mm (4”) PVC SDR 28 or equivalent for a single family residential unit or such greater size as may be approved by Council for multiple residential units and commercial buildings.
- Service lines for sewerage disposal shall be installed at a minimum underground depth of 1.5 m (5’) unless otherwise approved by Council and may be installed lateral with the service line for water supply in the same trench.
- The grade for a service line for sewerage disposal shall be a minimum of 2% and shall be as much as possible in a continuous straight line without sags or crests but where a bend is necessary it shall be with the use of a clean out flue.
5) New waterline installations must be approved in writing of Council prior to installation. Where there is more than one customer living on the same property, Section 3(c) will apply to the property closest to the town main.
- Installation of the service lines, and all cost relating to the installation, from the main waterline to the building shall be the responsibility of the Customer.
- The tie-in to the main waterline and the curb stop shall be inspected by the Town worker prior to backfill.
- The curb stop will be provided by the town at no cost to the resident. (Curb stop includes the box and rod on the curb stop. The saddle and connection for the tie in to the main line will also be provided.)
No customer shall have his property connected to the system where such a customer is in arrears for
monies due and payable to Council. Representatives of Council shall have access to all parts of a
customer’s property or premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspecting and repairing
service lines or for the purpose of installing, reading, inspecting, repairing or removing meters and
Council shall have the right to suspend service to any customer who refuses such access.
6) If trouble occurs, including freeze ups, in service lines between the main and the curb stop or the property line – whichever is first, it shall be repaired at Council’s expense. If trouble occurs elsewhere on the service line, it shall be repaired at the customer’s expense.
- In the event of a leak in a water supply service line, Council may discontinue the supply of water to the service line if such action is necessary to prevent the wastage of water and except in the case of an emergency, the customer shall be notified of Council ‘s intention to discontinue the supply of water .
7) No person shall indiscriminately use water nor shall he sell or give water to any person except under such conditions or for purposes as may be approved by Council in writing.
- No person shall, unless authorized by the Council, draw water from, open, close, cut, break, obstruct from free access to, or in any way interfere with any hydrant, water main, water supply pipe, stopcock, meter or any part of the system, except, that nothing contained in these regulations shall be deemed to prevent a member of a fire department, when engaged in work of such department, from using any hydrant or other part of the system. Due to the fact that some residents are using homemade wrenches to open and close the curb stop supplying water to their property and in some cases causing damage to the curb stops which in turn cost the taxpayer money. When a property owner wishes to have the curb stop supplying water to his/her property opened or closed, he or she should call the Town Office and the Town’s Maintenance Man will provide the needed service. There is no charge for curb stops to be turned off or on.
- Curb stops are the property of the Town and tampering with same is subject to prosecution in a court of law. General repairs/replacement resulting from normal wear and tear only would be provided by Council. Other damages to curb stops would be repaired /replaced by Council at the customer’s expense.
- No person shall dispose of any chemical or other such material not normally used by a household into a service line for sewerage disposal.
8) Invoices for water and sewer tax shall be rendered annually and shall be due and payable, in advance, monthly or quarterly, or such a date as set by Council, except with special arrangements for deferred payment of bills for water and sewer tax has been made with Council.
- Water Services may be discontinued to any customer whose account remains in arrears after deadline for payment has been reached. The deadline for payment is to be included in Noticed of Arrears and mailed to customer.
- Water Services may be discontinued for arrears of any monies owed to Council which includes all taxes, service fees, equipment hire, etc., under the Municipalities Act.
- If water services are discontinued for non-payment of water and sewer tax, or other applicable taxes/charges, there shall be a $50.00 hookup fee plus full payment of all delinquent monies owing to Council.
9) No person shall use the Town sanitary sewer as a storm sewer, e.g. drain basement. Council will not be responsible for any damage caused by sewer back ups or flooding by persons having an open sanitary sewer.
- Persons connecting to the Town’s sewer system are required to install a sewer backwater valve.
Pursuant to Section 420 (1) (a) (b) of the Act, every person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these regulations is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction of a fine not exceeding one thousand ($1,000.00) or in default of payment to a period of imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days or to both such fine and period of imprisonment.
All previously adopted Water Supply and/or Sewerage Disposal Regulations for the Municipality are hereby repealed.
The following regulations have been made by the Town Council of the Town of Carmanville under the provisions of Section 414.(1).(pp).(i). of the Municipalities Act, 1999, as amended.
Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Carmanville on the 28th day of September, 2015, MOTION – 3757-15.
These regulations may be cited as the Town of Carmanville Clean-up week – Garbage Collection Regulations.
- Materials placed at roadside must be sorted. For example, metals have to be separate from other waste as there is no tipping fee for metals.
- Metals will always be collected during the first two days of clean-up. Metals put out after designated time for collection will not be picked up.
- Waste should not be put at roadside earlier than 3 days before scheduled clean-up.
- Leaves, grass clippings, trees/tree branches will not be collected
- No construction or demolition materials will be collected.
- If materials are not sorted as per the schedule, they will not be picked up.
- Black bags will no longer be picked up as Central Waste has gone to a blue/clear bag policy. Tipping fees will increase to $180.00 per ton from $122.00 per ton if recycling policies are not followed.
- Every person who fails to comply with or otherwise contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to the penalty as set out in the said Act.
These regulations shall come into effect on the 28thday of September 2015.
Burning Prohibition of Demolition Materials
It has come to the Department’s attention that a number of municipalities in the Province continue to or are considering allowing the burning of demolition waste from derelict structures such as old or abandoned houses, barns, sheds, etc. Previous correspondence from the Department dated April 24, 2008 and January 27, 2010 to all municipalities in the Province clearly stated that such practice was prohibited as it is in direct contravention of Section 12 of the Air Pollution Control Regulations, 2004 which states:
- 1 (1) A person shall not burn or permit burning of any material listed in Schedule E in a fire.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person may burn or permit the burning of materials listed in Schedule E in a fire with the written approval of the minister.
Schedule E
Materials Prohibited from Burning in a Fire
- Tires
- Plastics
- Treated lumber
- Asphalt and asphalt products
- Drywall
- Demolition waste
- Hazardous waste
- Biomedical waste
- Domestic waste
- Trash, garbage, or other waste from commercial, industrial or municipal operations
- Manure
- Rubber
- Tar paper
- Railway ties
- Paint and paint products
- Fuel and lubricant containers
- Used oil
- Animal cadavers
- Hazardous substances
- Materials disposed of as part of the removal or decontamination of equipment, building or other structures
Remote Meeting Attendance
Section 24 and 51 of the Municipalities Act, 1999 has been amended to authorize the following:
“…council may allow a councillor to participate in a meeting by electronic means where the electronic means enables the councillor to listen to the proceeding and to be heard”
This section has also been amended so that a councillor participating by electronic means is considered to be in attendance at the meeting. Furthermore, the ability to remotely attend by electronic means applies to public, privileged and special meetings. The ability to attend meetings remotely is only applicable for councillors.
This now means that councils may permit councillors to participate in council meetings remotely rather than in-person. This will allow greater flexibility for councillors to attend meetings while juggling other commitments and should assist councils with continuing to conduct business even when council members are not able to attend in-person.
Section 206 of the Municipalities Act, 1999 continues to apply when determining whether a councillor’s seat has become vacated.
– Any councillor wishing to participate remotely must notify the Clerk/Manager three working days before the meeting
– Remote meeting attendance shall only occur when in-person attendance is either impossible or impractical
– Technology that can be used is Facetime, Skype or speaker telephone.
– Any operational costs associated with technology used to allow remote meeting attendance will be reimbursed by the municipality
– Any resolution that require a 2/3 vote in-person attendance is required
– The Chair must always attend in-person
– There shall be only two (2) councillors per meeting remotely attending. If there are more than two requests, priority will be given to the first 2 requests received.
– If communication is lost, a 10 minute recess will be called to try and re-establish the link. If the link cannot be re-established after the recess, the electronic participant is deemed to have left the meeting. If this means there is no longer a quorum of councillors in attendance, then the meeting is adjourned.
Healthy Eating Policy
- What we eat and our level of physical activity can be positively influenced by healthy and supportive policies where we live, learn, work, play and commute.
- Recreation, sport and community leaders who promote healthy food and beverage choices are helping to improve the food environment which creates and maintains communities that are supportive of health and wellbeing.
- Following guidelines set out in Canada’s Food Guide promotes healthy eating and the overall nutritional wellbeing of individuals and communities. Healthy eating is linked to lowered risk of chronic disease, can help support an active lifestyle, and keeps individuals engaged with their community.
- Adopting healthy behaviors early in life is important for good health. Promoting healthy eating to children and youth can help build lifelong healthy eating habits.
When food and beverages are served at an event sponsored by the Town of Carmanville and its Committees, we will follow our healthy eating policy,
We will strive to create a supportive environment for healthy eating by-
- Offering vegetables and fruit (fresh, frozen or canned) and at least one of the following:
- Whole grain breads, wraps, crackers, pasta, rice, etc.,
- Protein foods such as nuts*, nut butters*, beans, lentils, eggs, poultry, lean red meat, lower fat yogurt and cheese
- Water, lower fat white milk, or unsweetened fortified soy beverages
- Limiting the availability of:
- Highly processed foods including deep-fried foods and potato chips
- Sugary drinks including sports drinks, energy drinks, 100% fruit juice and chocolate milk
- Confectioneries including candy and chocolate bars