Monday, October 19th, 2015
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, October 19th, 2015 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Sam Winsor (arrived late)
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: “SAM Conference Report” was added to the Agenda under “Members Business”.
Motion-3767-15 – Councillor M. Bailet/Councillor K. Blackwood
Resolved that the Agenda be adopted as amended.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on September 28th, 2015 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3768-15-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of September 28th, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Guest: Janice Coles
Mayor Howell welcomed Janice Coles to the meeting. She discussed the zero tolerance for dirt bikes on the roads and said there is nowhere for the kids to ride their dirt bikes. She wondered if there was any possibility of putting trails through the woods for the bikes through projects as the existing skidoo trails are mostly bog. She also wanted to know about using Noggin Cove Head or an old quarry for dirt bike use.
She stated that there is nothing here for the teenagers (age 13 up).
(Councillor Winsor arrived at 7:35 p.m.)
Members explained that for Council to set up bike trails they would have to accept responsibility for the trails and have to provide maintenance/upkeep on the trails. At this time, Council has no property that can be used to set up trails. Noggin Cove Head is either Crown Land or privately owned land and the town only owns and maintains the road which is considered a public road so dirt bikes are not able to use that either.
Suggestions were made by members to use the school or Rec Center to set up sports or game nights for the teenagers. Volunteers would be needed to organize and supervise these events. It was suggested to approach the Rec. Committee regarding the above.
Mayor Howell thanked Janice for coming. She left the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Arising: Business Tax
Motion-3769-15-Councillor D.Howell/Councillor L. Bailet
Resolved to Prorate the Business Tax for the new assessment to July 1, 2015.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Owner will be provided with the tax information presented.
Arising: Generator
The Generator Exhaust is vented through the side of the building but the building is so small that heat from the motor builds up. General Agreement to install vents to correct this problem.
Burry’s Lane
The land requested to increase the turnaround on Burry’s Lane is privately owned. General Agreement to approach the owner to see if he would give permission to extend the turnaround on his property. Results will be brought back to the next meeting.
Finance: Amended CIP
Motion-3770-15-Coucnillor S. Winsor/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolved that the Town of Carmanville submit a revised Capital Investment Plan to the Department of Municipal and Intergovernmental Affairs for Gas Tax Funding in the amount of $189,201.00 (up to March 2019) to be used as follows:
Priority | Project Title/Description | Total Project Cost | Gas Tax Funding |
1 | W/S Project Phase 2 - Tank | $2,482,899.22 | $189,201.00 |
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Tax Recovery Plan
Motion-3771-15-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor L. Bailet
Resolved to submit the amendment to the Tax Recovery Plan as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
MNL Request for Donation
Motion-3772-15-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved to donate $100.00 to the MNL Convention.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Property Tax Refund
Motion-3773-15-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolved to refund Resident the amount of $1,219.41 for Property Tax charged from 2005 to 2015 on Parcel ID 023416.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Water Exemption Request
Clerk/Manager will check with the Town Engineer to confirm that the property in question would require blasting to be capable of connecting to the town waterline. Results will be brought back to the next meeting.
Finance: Community Enhancement Program
Motion-3774-15-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor L. Bailet
Resolved to accept the Community Enhancement Program Funding in the amount of $19,006.00 as presented and submit the amended application.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
General Agreement that the Rink work would be the first priority. Notice of the employment opportunity will be posted immediately.
Motion-3775-15-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor L. Bailet
Resolved to write the Minister of Municipal and Intergovernmental Affairs for approval to hire a member under this program.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Value Change Report
Presented to Council for their information. The report can be viewed at the office or online.
Public Works: Line Flushing
Line Flushing has been successfully completed. General Agreement to begin winterizing the hydrants with the exception of the hydrants at the end of Main Street. Due to the previous problems with dirty water in this area, these hydrants will be flushed again in early December.
Public Works: Drill
A new Cordless Drill has been purchased at the cost of $67.79 and the old one has been repaired for a backup.
Trailer Tires
Two (2) new Trailer Tires were purchased for the garbage trailer as the old ones were worn out and they were needed for cleanup week.
Fire Dept: New Member Approval
Motion-3776-15-Councillor M. Bailet/Councillor L. Bailet
Resolved that Council must approve all new membership for all Committees of Council.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Rec. Committee: Christmas Dinner
General Agreement that if the Fire Department are not using the Fire Hall on December 12th, 2015, the Rec. Committee can hold their Christmas Dinner there. Fire Chief will be contacted and asked to determine at their next meeting if the Fire Hall is available on that date.
Receiver General for Canada $2,545.11 – Payroll Remit – Sept. (Paid)
CIBC Mellon $ 386.16 – Pension Premiums – Sept. (Paid)
NAPE $ 79.17 – Union Dues – Sept. (Paid)
TRIO $ 317.60 – Health Premiums – Oct. (Paid)
NL Power $1,704.41 – Hydro – Street Lighting (Paid)
CNWM $1,933.14 – Tipping Fees – Sept.
CNWM $2,115.30 – Curbside Collection Fees – Sept.
Tulk’s Home Hardware $ 371.88 – Pickup/Garage/Mun. Bldg.
Municipal Assessment Agency $3,360.00 – 4th Quarter Assessment Fees
Central Office Equipment $ 196.67 – Toners – Photocopier
Rockwater $1,213.62 – Chlorine
DSI $ 326.57 – Town Cheques
D & M Services $ 214.70 – Class A – Pavement/Water Rep.
Carmanville Valufoods $ 12.77 – Kitchen Supplies
EMCO $1,045.07 – Waterline Supplies
Bell Mobility $ 37.01 – Phone – Cell
Bell Aliant $ 207.65 – Phone/Fax/Internet – Office
Bell Aliant $ 75.37 – Phone – Fire Dept.
Professional Tire Limited $ 221.37 – Tires – Garbage Trailer
Motion-3777-15-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
RCMP Quarterly Report Info Only
New Business: Shed Permit Request
Approved as per policy.
Crown Land Recommendation Application
Motion-3778-15-Deputy Mayor Peddle/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolved that the Recommendation Application for Crown Land to be used as an Amusement Park be approved as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
New Business: Public Meeting Request
General Agreement that a Newsletter regarding the new assessments be sent to all homeowners and inform them that a Public Meeting will be set for the latter part of November.
Business: Outside Worker Medical Leave
Worker will be on Medical Leave until Dec. 1st, 2015.
MNL Board Member Candidates
Copied to all members for their information.
Mun. Affairs – Municipal Crown Lands Reserves
Copied to all members for their information.
MNL – Message on Property Tax
Copied to all members for their information.
SAM Conference Report
A copy of the report was given to all members. Highlights of the report:
That we add a link to our town website to the new SAM website
That we add a link to or town website to the SAM Facebook Page
That we ensure our SAM Sign is displayed in the Town Hall
MMSB offers grants for composting workshops/programs or purchase of wood chipper for mulch
Annual beach cleanup
Funding through Tourism for tourist information/fitness coordinator
The possibility of a Community Garden
Source Water Protection Management Plan and proper signage
Adjournment: Motion-3779-15-Councillor D. Howell/Deputy Mayor Peddle
Resolved that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, November 2nd, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.