Monday, November 21st, 2016
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, November 21st, 2016 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet (via Skype)
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Absent: Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: Motion-3994-16-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve that the Agenda be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting held on November 7th, 2016.
Motion-3995-16-Councillor S.Winsor/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of November 7th, 2016 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Arising: Ice Control Materials/Safety Plan
Motion-3996-16-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to adopt the Site Specific Health and Safety Plan for Pickup of Ice Control Materials from the Department of Transportation and Works Depot as provided by the Municipal Safety Council and completed for the Town of Carmanville.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
(Councillor Linda Bailet joined the meeting via Skype at 7:45 p.m.)
Finance: Mercer’s Ambulance
Motion-3997-16-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to offer parking for the Ambulance at the Municipal Building provided they install an outdoor plug in. The Electricity and Snow Clearing fees are yet to be determined.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Signing Authorities
Motion-3998-16-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolve to add Administrative Assistant Michelle McRae to the list of signing authorities for the Town.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Finance: Budget
Estimated expenditures and revenue for 2017 was reviewed and agreed upon by members. The Budget will be prepared and brought back to the next meeting for adoption.
Public Works: Water Report
Water Maintenance Reports
The Water and Equipment Maintenance Reports were circulated and reviewed by members and found to be in order.
Waterline Break/Core Certified
Transportation and Works have new standards regarding permission and permits to cut the pavement. Any contractor or town employees working on their roads must now be Core Certified. Because of this new requirement, the waterline break could not be repaired by town workers or local contractors as they are not Core Certified.
Cost relating to the waterline break will be brought back for discussion when the invoice has been received.
Members were in agreement that the Town’s Water and Sewer Regulations need to be reviewed and amended. A draft amendment will be presented at the next meeting for consideration.
CIBC Mellon $341.66 – Health Premiums-Nov. (Paid)
Pennell’s Service Station $ 59.57 – Town P/U – change tires
Pretty SAFE Enterprises $265.65 – First Aid Training Supplies FD
Central Office Equipment $218.18 – Toners – Photocopier
Motion-3999-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Business: Christmas Seniors
Motion-4000-16-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to purchase and deliver gifts to the seniors at the Personal Care Home as in previous years.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Clerk/Manager: Training
Clerk/Manager will be attending training in St. John’s on Friday, November 25th, 2016 and taking 1 day vacation to leave on Nov. 23rd, 2016. The new Administrative Assistant will work during this period.
Adjournment: Motion-4001-16-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, December 8th, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Monday, November 7th, 2016
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, November 7th, 2016 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle (arrived late)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet (via Skype)
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Guest: Bruce Tulk (arrived late)
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: W/S Phase 2 Update was added to the Agenda under Public Works and Budget was added to the Agenda under Finance.
Motion-3986-16-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that the Agenda be adopted as amended.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of October 24th, 2016 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3987-16-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolve that the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of October 24th, 2016 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Arising: Generator
Voltage Regulator was replaced in the Town Generator and is ready for pickup. Mayor Howell will pick it up.
Guest: Bruce Tulk (arrived at 7:35 p.m.)
Bruce was welcomed to the meeting by Mayor Howell. He is requesting the town provide water to his son’s house on Tower Road. After much discussion, it was agreed that the cost to put water up Tower Road was too expensive for the town at this point in time. Bruce said he’s willing to allow the waterline to cross his property to get water to his son’s house. Under the Town’s Water and Sewer Policy, only the saddle and curb stop is provided by the town and the property owner is responsible for the waterline and connection to the Main. The town worker only supervises the connection to the Main.
Since the property is on Tower Road and the town can’t offer water to the residence, Bruce asked if the town would help by providing the Backhoe and Operator to dig the waterline or pay for a Contractor. Bruce informed Council that the well previously used is no longer safe to use. He will check the cost for a contractor to dig but if it’s too expensive, he may as well turn it into a shed because without water it will be inhabitable.
Mayor Howell thanked Bruce for attending. He left the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Since the cost to provide water to the residence on Town Road is too great, Council decided to explore the option presented by Bruce. This would involve the town putting in the equivalent waterline as they would to bring it up Tower Road. To do this, the following criteria would have to be met:
a) Council would need proof of the property measurements.
b) An easement would have to be signed by Bruce giving Council the right to cross his property and access to the waterline in the event of a leak. This easement would have to remain in effect even if the property was sold.
c) The Town Worker would have to dig 3 or 4 test holes on Bruce’s property to see if a waterline trench could be dug there.
d) The Town’s Water and Sewer Regulations would not be violated.
There was General Agreement that if all the criteria is met, the town would install a ¾” line from the inside of the ditch, across Bruce’s Property to his son’s property and provide the saddle and curb stop as per the Town’s Water and Sewer Regulations. The remainder of the waterline installation to the house and the connection to the Main would still be the responsibility of the home owner. The tie in to the Main would still be supervised by the Town Worker.
Arising: Burry’s Lane/Salt/Sand Mixture
Three contractors were asked to submit a quote for the following:
- Ditching both sides of Burry’s Lane which would involve an excavator and dump truck to carry away debris.
- Pickup and transport by dump truck the salt/sand mixture from Municipal Grounds to the Town Garage (with Town Worker loading the mixture using Town Loader)
- Pickup and transport salt/sand mixture from Highways Depot (Route 330) to Town Garage via dump truck. (with Trans/Works employees loading the truck)
Two quotes were received:
1. D & M Services – lump sum for all listed above - $1,410.00 plus HST.
2. Brinson’s Sand and Gravel – Ditching at Burry’s Lane - $145.00 per hour or $2,700 to do the job. Dump Truck hire for sand pickup and deliver - $65.00 per hour. All prices are plus HST.
(Deputy Mayor Peddle arrived at 8:35 p.m.)
Motion-3988-16-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolve to accept the Tender from D & M Services in the amount of $1,410.00 plus HST for all 3 jobs combined.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Arising: Newsletter
Members were in agreement to send the newsletter out with changes made as discussed.
Several applications have been received for the Community Enhancement Program and will be sent to Municipal Affairs for approval to hire.
Request for Meeting change date
(Deputy Mayor Peddle left the meeting at 8:45 p.m. due to a conflict of interest)
A letter from Deputy Mayor Peddle asking Council to reconsider their decision regarding the request to change the meeting date was circulated to all members. Deputy Mayor Peddle works all evenings from Monday to Friday with Wednesday and Thursday the less busy giving her a better opportunity to attend. Councillor K. Blackwood advised that she works both Wednesday and Thursday nights. All other members were available either evening.
Motion-3989-16-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve to alternate the Regular Public Council Meetings on Monday and Thursday nights on a biweekly basis to allow both members the same opportunity to attend.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
(Deputy Mayor Peddle was invited back to the meeting and returned at 8:55 p.m.)
Finance: CNWM 2017 Fees
Central Waste Management has advised the following changes in fees for 2017. Tipping Fees will increase from $132/tonne to $136/tonne. Curbside Collection will remain the same at 79.00 per household. Construction and Demolition sorted waste plus Cardboard will increase from $25.00/tonne to $30.00/tonne.
Finance: School Calendar
Members were in agreement to sponsor the School Calendar as per policy.
Budget (Added to Agenda)
Budget preparations are underway. A meeting with the Finance Committee will be set up later this week if possible.
Public Works: Sewer Problem
A report was submitted and reviewed by members regarding a blockage in the sewer line on Main Street South during the past weekend. The problem has since been resolved.
Hydrant Repair
Motion-3990-16-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to authorize repairs to the hydrant as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Chlorine Readings Oct.
Chlorine Readings for October were reviewed by members and found to be satisfactory.
Monthly Usage/Flow Data
Average 135,000 gal/day for the month of October.
Water and Sewer Phase 2 (Added to Agenda)
A meeting will be set up with the Town Engineer as soon as possible to discuss current status of our project.
Committee New member application
Motion-3991-16-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to accept the application from Michelle McRae to join the Habitat Committee.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Rockwater $1,235.10 – Chlorine
Pennell’s Service Station $ 40.08 – Wiper Blades/Loader
CIBC Mellon $ 494.08 – Pension Premiums
NAPE $ 80.44 – Union Dues
Bell Mobility $ 37.26 – Phone – Cell
Bell Aliant $ 234.93 – Phone/Fax/Internet-Office
Bell Aliant $ 76.70 – Phone – Fire Dept.
Tulk’s Home Hardware $ 720.97 – Garage Storage/Blade Paint
NL Power $ 26.06 – Hydro – Chlor. Chambers
NL Power $1,711.56 – Hydro – Street Lighting
NL Power $ 413.09 – Hydro – Fire Hall
NL Power $ 137.56 – Hydro – Booster Station
NL Power $ 167.56 – Hydro – Municipal Building
NL Power $ 41.83 – Hydro – Garage
G & M Services $ 471.13 – Gas/Plugs
CNWM $2,161.52 – Curbside Collection
CNWM $2,134.71 – Tipping Fees
Receiver General $2,816.26 – Payroll Remittance
Domestic Service $ 57.49 – Generator Regulator
Hefford’s $ 546.25 – Chlorine Barrel
Motion-3992-16-Councillor M. Bailet/Deputy Mayor Peddle
Resolve that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
RCMP Survey Councillor L. Bailet
Business: Disclosure Statements
Completed and reviewed by members with the exception of Councillor L. Bailet who will complete her Disclosure Statement when she returns.
Business: Christmas Tree Lighting
A tentative date was set for the Tree Lighting as Dec. 9/16. Councillor D. Howell will coordinate the event.
CNWM Meeting
A Regional Central Newfoundland Waste Management Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Motion-3993-16-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.