Monday, March 21st, 2016
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, March 21st, 2016 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Guest: Fire Chief Nathanael White
Absent: Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle
Councillor Sam Winsor
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: It was agreed that the “Fire Department” items would be discussed following the adoption of the Minutes, before Business Arising.
Motion-3859-16-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that the Agenda be adopted as circulated with the above change noted regarding the order of topics to be discussed.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of March 7th, 2016 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3860-16-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve that the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of March 7th, 2016 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Fire Dept: Mayor Howell welcomed Fire Chief Nathanael White to the meeting. Chief White participated in discussing the Fire Dept. topics and provided explanations to questions asked by members regarding these topics.
2016 FES Funding Application
Chief White advised that the Fire Dept. wish to complete the 2016 FES Funding Application to purchase Ice and Cold Water Rescue Equipment, consisting of a Floatation Device (Flat Bottom Boat), 2 Dry Suits, and a Throw Bag with Ropes. They will provide a detailed product list and quotes on the required equipment. Clerk/Manager to check the application deadline to ensure it is completed in time.
There will be training required to provide this service. If the required training is 2 days or less, there are 2 Fire Dept. Members and the Fire Chief qualified to take the training themselves and then instruct it to the remaining members. If this course is longer than 2 days, only the Fire Chief has the authority to train the members after taking the training himself.
It was noted that under the comment section of the application we would indicate that this service would be part of our Mutual Aid Agreement. Further that this service is not offered in this area other than through the Gander Fire Department.
Fewers Ambulance request
Chief White put forward a request from Fewers Ambulance Service to have access to the Fire Hall to clean the outside of the ambulance. Further that they have offered to make a donation to the Fire Department for such access. This topic will be discussed further in the meeting.
Budget spending for training
When Chief White receives his Firefighter Level 1 Instructor Certificate, he will begin training to bring all members to an equivalent Firefighter Level 1 status. Due to the amount of training materials involved in the form of power points, he requested a laptop and digital projector. General Agreement to contact the school and see if they have a digital projector and overhead projector that they are no longer using and if they would like to donate it to the Fire Department.
If there is none available, 3 quotes will obtained and forwarded to the office. The Town has a laptop that will be cleared and cleaned up that can be used for their training purposes. The laptop will be either locked up at the Fire Hall or stored at the Municipal Building when not in use.
Fire School Training Request
Chief White stated that the Training requested by the applicable members is required and he is in complete agreement with the request as submitted. This topic will be discussed further in the meeting.
Incident Report – Hose Coupling Fitter
An incident report was presented from Chief White regarding 3 hoses that had the couplings damaged due to ice build-up on March 19th that had been left out after watering up a boat. There are also other hoses in the Fire Hall that need couplings. In the past, Gander Fire Department provided this service but they don’t any longer. We are currently waiting for pricing on an Electric and Manual Hose Coupler Fitter so this procedure could be done by our members. Pricing will be brought back to Council when it is received.
Due to the high delivery cost with ordering an individual Shirt for one member, it was agreed to check with other Fire Departments and FES to see if there is a closer supplier. Results will be brought back when received.
Pumper/Van Inspection
General Agreement that the Pumper Inspection will be done at Bishop Falls and the Van Inspection will be done at Centerville within the next week if possible.
Mayor Howell thanked Chief White for attending the meeting and for his contribution and explanations on various Fire Department topics.
Chief White left the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Fewers Ambulance Service
Members continued discussion on the request to use the Fire Hall to clean the ambulance. It was agreed to contact Fewers and find out how often they would require use. Also to advise that if approved, the cleaning of the ambulance would be outside, in the parking lot only, with access to the Fire Hall strictly limited to Chief White.
Further to advise that there is a Car Wash available in Gander that may be better suited to their needs.
Fire School Training Request
Motion-3861-16-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that the following Fire School Training Request be approved as submitted and stated below:
Tammy Mouland and Enos Wheaton will both attend the Pump Operations, Driver Operation and Hydraulics course offered from May 29th to June 2nd inclusive;
Justin Goodyear will attend the Respiratory Protection and Conduct Live Fire Training from May 28th to 29th inclusive;
Herbert (Bobby) Goodyear will attend the Conduct Live Fire Training on May 29th, 2016 in Grand Falls-Windsor.
In Favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Arising: Draft Permit Regulations
Tabled to next meeting.
NL Power/Shed
Tabled to next meeting.
Crown Land/Tax
A Letter regarding Property Tax was circulated to and discussed by members. Members agreed that there will be no change to the previous decisions of Council regarding this property.
Finance: Age Friendly Grant Application
Motion-3862-16-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor L. Bailet
Resolve that the application for the 2016 NL Age Friendly Grant be submitted.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Public Works: Water Report
Water Quality Report
The average THM concentration was reported at 94.1 ug/L which meets the recommended guideline of 100 ug/l.
The average HAA concentration was reported at 77.1 ug/L which meets the recommended guideline of 80 ug/L.
The overall drinking water quality was ranked at 97 and Excellent by the Department of Environment and Conservation.
Waterline Break/Boil Order
Due to a waterline break at a Hydrant in the area of 277 Main Street South early morning of March 20th, a Boil Water Advisory has been issued as per procedure. Hydrant Report to be completed by worker.
TRIO $ 338.56 – Health Premiums Mar. (Paid)
Goodyear’s Electrical Limited $1,678.05 – Heater – Fire Hall
K & D Pratt $7,428.71 – FD Portable Pump
G & M Services $ 474.01 – Gas – 347.01: Diesel – 127.00
Motion-3863-16-Councillor M. Bailet/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
MMSB Indiscriminate Dumping Surveillance Info Only
FFAW Letter of Support Agreed to support
Dept. of Env/Conserv. Burning Prohibition of Demolition Materials Website/Newsletter
Business: MNL Refund Request
Members were informed that our request to MNL for a Registration Refund was denied. As this is the second time a refund was denied, a letter will be sent to MNL informing them of Council’s displeasure and asking what conditions are acceptable for a refund.
P/T Worker
Motion-3864-16-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that a donation in the amount of $50.00 be given to the Part- time Worker to express condolences on behalf of the town.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
It was noted that a Policy regarding donations of this type should be made at the next meeting.
Business: Emergency Preparedness Workshop
Agenda for the upcoming Emergency Preparedness Workshop in Gander on May 4th and 5th has been circulated to all members.
MNL Symposium
Agenda for the upcoming MNL Symposium in Gander on May 5th – 7th has been circulated to all members.
Anyone wishing to attend either of the above sessions should notify the Clerk/Manager to get registered.
Adjournment: Motion-3865-16-Councillor M. Bailet/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, April 4th, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Monday, March 7th, 2016
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, March 7th, 2016 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Guest: Bram Butler – Did not attend.
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: Motion-3855-16-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolve that the Agenda be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of February 22nd, 2016 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3856-16-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor K. Blackwood
Resolve that the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of February 22nd, 2016 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Arising: Draft Permit Regulations
Draft Accessory Building Permit Regulations were presented to and discussed by members. Further research is required and results will be brought back to next meeting to finalize the proposed regulations.
Finance: Collections Report – February
Presented to and reviewed by members. Water tax needs to be taken off abandoned houses that are disconnected from power as per council policy. Uncollectable accounts need to be presented to council for possible write off. All accounts that are in arrears and do not have a payment plan in place will have their water cut as soon as the weather permits.
Fire Dept: 2016 Funding Application
The new Fire Department 2016 Funding Applications are available. This information has been passed on to the Fire Chief and will be presented at their next meeting.
NLAFS Office Closure
Members were informed that the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Fire Services Office in Gander will be closing. The closure date is unknown at this time. This information has also been forwarded to the Fire Chief.
Receiver General for Canada $2,925.60 – Payroll Remit Feb. (Paid)
CIBC Mellon $ 385.04 – Pension Premiums (Paid)
NAPE $ 96.00 – Union Dues (Paid)
NL Power $ 133.10 – Hydro – Chambers (Paid)
NL Power $ 564.77 – Hydro – Garage (Paid)
NL Power $ 612.78 – Hydro – Fire Hall (Paid)
NL Power $ 240.15 – Hydro – Booster Stn (Paid)
NL Power $ 472.86 – Hydro – Mun. Bldg. (Paid)
NL Power $1,704.41 – Hydro – Street Light (Paid)
CNWM $1,630.07 – Tipping Fees
CNWM $2,174.70 – Curbside Collection Fees
Bell Mobility $ 35.82 – Phone – Cell
Bell Aliant $ 225.43 – Phone/Fax/Internet- Office
Bell Aliant $ 75.37 – Phone – Fire Hall
Credit Bureau Collections $ 27.12 – Collections Commission
Computer Shack Inc. $ 129.92 – Adapter/Ink–new computer
Computer Shack Inc. $ 681.04 – Computer
Central Office Equipment $ 40.53 – Envelopes/Receipt Books
Tulk’s Home Hardware $ 24.82 – Salt/Lock De-Icer
Pennell’s Service Station $ 112.59 – Filter/Gear Oil – FD P/U
It was noted that the Hydro bill for the Town Garage has increased significantly over the past couple of months. The Heater was checked and was set on low. It was agreed that this Heater will be turned off except when there is work being done at the Garage.
Motion-3857-16 – Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolve that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
Bonavista Bay Search & Rescue Donation request As per policy
Town of Change Islands Donation request As per policy
SAM Conservation Scholarship Post Notice
Business: MNL Central Regional Meeting update
Councillor Winsor gave a brief overview of the topics covered at the MNL Central Regional Meeting. Some topics discussed were:
- Property Assessment – possible reforms to the system, each with their own benefits and challenges
- Food First – Community Gardens and Farmers Markets, Healthy Eating.
- Sustainability Partnership - Potential Benefits to Municipalities
- 911 –Civic Addressing Requirements
- Future of the Fire Departments – Assessments and Responsibilities
- MSCNL – Principal Contractor – Municipal Responsibilities
- Source Water Protection – Municipal responsibilities to ensure the safety of their water supply
- Wastewater Treatment – New Federal Wastewater Regulations.
Members were informed that there could be changes to the MOG and Provincial Gas Tax supplements.
Adjournment: Motion-3858-16-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, March 21st, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.