Monday, June 30th, 2014
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, June 30th, 2014 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (chair)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Absent: Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle
Councillor Michel Bailet
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: Motion-3550-14-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the Agenda be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 16th, 2014 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3551-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 16th, 2014 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Business Arising: Street Lights
Motion-3552-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved to order 16 more street lights at the cost of $16.83 (plus tax) each.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Waterline to Interpretation Centre
The waterline from the Chlorination Chamber to the Interpretation Center has been installed. The initial chlorine readings were high. A new valve has been installed to reduce the pressure and allow for a decrease in running water. This should reduce the chlorine readings to a more acceptable level.
Age Friendly Grant
General Agreement to set the age at 50 as this would definitely increase the eligible participants for the program. Hiring Committee consists of: Councillors Linda Bailet and Dale Howell and Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear.
Finance: Community Capital Grant
Motion-3553-14-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor K. Blackwood
Resolved to apply for the Community Capital Grant on behalf of the Rec. Committee to complete the interior of the Rec. Center.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
New Business
A new offloading business started operation May 4, 2014. This business will be charged the Minimum Business Tax prorated from May – Dec. 2014 as per policy.
Business Closure
Written notification regarding the closure of the Fabric Shop was received on June 25th 2014.
Summer Schedule & Authorization to pay bills
Motion-3554-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the summer schedule of 1 meeting per month would be set as July 21st and August 11th and authorization is given to the Clerk/Manager to pay the outstanding invoices during the summer period.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Public Works: Water Report
Chlorination Chamber
Members were informed that there is a rust problem on the main waterline at the Chlorination Chamber. Town Engineer has been out and will contact the supplier of the Ductile Iron to see if there is any coverage/warranty provided by the manufacturer.
Lawn Mower
Motion-3555-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved to purchase a new lawn mower for the town.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
It was further agreed that a service log would be used to record the date the lawnmower was used, the condition, date the oil was checked or added, etc.
Public Works: Waterline Flushing
The waterline flushing will be scheduled for the 2nd week in July as per the previous flushing schedule. Notices will be posted to this effect.
Curbside Collection
Concerns raised about the Garbage Box covers being left open when the garbage is collected by CNWM. Councillor Winsor will research their policy and report back to council.
EMCO $1,730.81 – Interp Waterline
EMCO $ 26.00 – Interp Waterline
Bell Mobility $ 34.97 – Phone/Cell
Bell Aliant $ 202.10 – Phone/Fax/Internet/Office
NL Power $ 261.32 – Hydro – Fire Hall
NL Power $ 185.44 – Hydro – Mun. Bldg.
NL Power $ 150.88 – Hydro – Booster Station
NL Power $ 63.19 – Hydro – Chlor. Chamber
NL Power $ 49.81 – Hydro – Garage
Pennell’s Service Station $ 126.73 – Gas Line – Town Pickup
G & M Services $ 416.52 – Fuel: Town 332.52 FD 84.00
Motion-3556-14-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
MAA New Board Members Info Only
New Business: Waterline Installation
The proposed change to the route for the waterline installation at 304 B Main Street is approved as per policy.
Business: Eider Duck Proposal
A proposed partnership between the town and Ducks Unlimited to build and deploy 20 eider duck nest shelters on suitable offshore islands was presented to members. Councillor Bailet will seek clarification on the town’s responsibilities regarding this proposal and report back to council.
Dirt Bikes on Road
General Agreement to send a letter to the RCMP regarding safety concerns from Dirt Bikes and ATV’s driving on the road.
Permit re: relocation
Current Policy regarding relocation relates to moving a building from one property to another and requires a permit. General Agreement that a permit will not be required to relocate/move a building on your own property providing the current guidelines are met.
PMA Meeting
Our training needs will be assessed and brought to the next PMA Meeting to set up regional training for the Bonavista North Municipalities. This will alleviate problems associated with trying to schedule individual training and will reduce the training cost to each municipality.
Adjournment: Motion-3557-14-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor K. Blackwood
Resolved that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, July 21st, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Monday, June 16th, 2014
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, June 16th, 2014 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell
Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle (arrived late)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: Motion-3542-14-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the Agenda be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 2nd, 2014 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3543-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor K. Blackwood
Resolved that the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 2nd, 2014 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Business Arising: Street Lights
Waiting on response from Newfoundland Power regarding the cost to install new street lights and relocate existing street lights.
Business Arising: FD Portable Equipment/Insurance
The list of portable firefighting equipment compiled by the Fire Department members indicates a replacement cost of $201,785.76. Our current limit of coverage on portable firefighting equipment is $14,742. Clerk/Manager to get quotes for 100,000, 150,000, 200,000 and 250,000 coverage and bring back to next meeting. Also, to check with Musgrave to see what they insure as portable equipment and what coverage they have. General Agreement to take pictures and record the serial numbers of all the bigger, expensive portable equipment.
(Deputy Mayor Peddle arrived at 7:40 p.m.)
FD First Aid Training/Public
Further research is required regarding the rental of equipment for the public course that was recently offered – whether there was a separate payment submitted for the equipment rental or if it was covered by the Town’s rental/payment.
FD Mother’s Day Donations/Ad
Letters have been sent to all who donated to the Mother’s Day Breakfast. There was no request to place an ad in the local newspaper.
Finance: Spring Clean-up – Tipping Fees
The spring clean-up was a huge success. The total weight was 33.41 tonnes. Without sorting this would have cost the town 33.41 x 117/ton = $3,908.97. However, by sorting the loads, we saved $2,467.24 in tipping fees as the metals, tires, cardboard and C & D materials cost only $10.00 per tonne. The total cost in tipping fees was $1,441.73.
Delinquent Properties
Motion-3544-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved to proceed with legal action for the sale of the two (2) vacant delinquent properties as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Business Arising: Picnic Tables – Mun. Bldg.
Motion-3545-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolved to build or purchase 4 picnic tables for the Municipal Grounds. Further that the tables are to be cemented down.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 1 – Councillor S. Winsor
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Public Works: Water Report
CNWM – Tire Charge
This year the tipping fee for tires is $10 per tonne. In the previous year, there was no tipping fee. Rumor is that not all transfer stations charge a tipping fee for tires. Councillor Winsor will bring this to the next CNWM meeting and report back to Council.
Motion-3546-14-Councillor S. Winsor/Deputy Mayor Peddle
Resolved that the Backhoe/Loader is not for hire to go into the beach to come in contact with salt water.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Fire Dept: 2014 Annual Convention
The NL Association of Fire Services 2014 Annual Convention will be held in Gander from September 19th to 21st, 2014. The information package has been passed to the Acting Fire Chief for discussion at their next meeting.
Rec. Committee: Fireworks Donation
Motion-3547-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolved to donate the $1000.00 budgeted for Fireworks to the Rec. Committee this year as the Habitat Committee have their fireworks from last year which were already paid for.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Bell Aliant $ 74.52 – Phone – Fire Dept. (Paid)
CIBC Mellon $ 464.78 – Pension Premiums May (Paid)
TRIO $ 319.32 – Health Premiums June (Paid)
Receiver General for Canada $2,399.15 – Payroll Remittance May (Paid)
NAPE $ 67.96 – Union Dues May (Paid)
Davis Clover Farm $ 31.34 – Janitorial 13.18/Kitchen 18.16
CNWM $2,059.20 – Tipping Fees – May
Rockwater $1,062.20 – Chlorine
Credit Bureau $ 27.12 – Collections Commission
NL Power $1,708.91 – Hydro – Street Lighting
G & M Services $ 710.20 – Gas – Town
Central Cashier’s Office $ 25.00 – License – Interp
Motion-3548-14-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
Chamber of Commerce 2014 Tourism Awareness Luncheon Councillor L. Bailet will attend
Minister of Transport Reply re Manolis L Info only
MHA George Murphy Petition re Pesticide Place at Wicket
New Business: Request to build shed
Pending approval of outside worker approval will be given as per policy.
Business: Administration Networking Meetings
Administrative Staff from Campbellton to Indian Bay are meeting in Centreville-Wareham-Trinity on June 27th for a Networking Meeting. These meetings will be scheduled periodically at different town offices and gives an opportunity for Clerks and Managers to learn from each other. Approval was given for the Clerk/Manager to participate.
Water for Interpretation Center
General agreement to proceed with the connection of an above ground waterline from the Chlorination Chamber back to the Center.
Age Friendly Grant
Revised budget approved as submitted. Start date for the position will be July 7th running 9 weeks till Sept. 6th, 2014. Notices will be posted to advertise the position.
Architect’s Stamp
Meeting with Engineer and Meeting with Minister Kent
Work on the Rec Center is at a standstill because the Architects are refusing to provide the stamp required by Government Services to proceed with the Electrical Tender. General Agreement to contact our MHA and have him come down and look at the building and ask him to set up a meeting with Minister Kent to see what they can do to help obtain the stamp and allow us to move forward.
It was also noted that a meeting should be set up with our Engineer, our MHA and Minister Kent to discuss future funding for our Water and Sewer Project.
Adjournment: Motion-3549-14-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolved that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, June 30th, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Monday, June 2nd, 2014
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, June 2nd, 2014 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Absent: Councillor Sam Winsor
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: Motion-3537-14-Deputy Mayor Peddle/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the Agenda be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Mayor Howell asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on May 12th, 2014 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3538-14-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on May 12th, 2014 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Arising: Street Lights
Further research is required regarding the cost to: install streetlights, turn an existing light and alternate existing streetlights. Results will be brought back to next meeting for further discussion.
FD Portable Equipment/Insurance
The list of Portable Equipment has not been received from the Fire Department.
FD First Aid Training/Public
The First Aid Training for the Public has not yet taken place. Further research is required regarding a separate First Aid Training course. Results will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion.
Finance: Business Tax/Temporary Closure
Motion-3539-14-Councillor K. Blackwood/Councillor M. Bailet
Resolved that the Town will not charge 2014 Business Tax as this is a seasonal business and has not opened this year.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Public Works: Water Report
Backhoe Warranty, Manuals & Gov. Plate
Premier Warranty – 4 years or 3000 hours. Scheduled Oil Samples must be forwarded to Toromont for analysis every 250 hours of operation or in accordance with the machines maintenance manual. Failure to provide scheduled oil samples could void warranty.
Manuals will be kept in Clerk/Manager’s office for safe keeping. Backhoe is not to be used until a Government License Plate has been received and Insurance coverage is provided for the unit.
Public Works: Chlorine Reading Site
Permission to take Chlorine Samples at a Resident’s House at the end of Main Street South has been denied by the Home Owner. Arrangements are now being made to take the Chlorine Sample from a line running from the Main Waterline at the end of Main Street South.
Hazardous Waste Collection 2014
The Hazardous Waste Collection schedule for 2014 has been received. It was noted that there is no Hazardous Waste Collection scheduled for Central Newfoundland.
Water Usage/Flow Data (May)
Average Flow was 140,000 gals/day during the month of May.
Chlorine Readings (May)
The Chlorine Readings were good overall and within the guidelines during the month of May.
Fire Dept: Mother’s Day Breakfast/Ad
The Mother’s Day Breakfast was a huge success with proceeds totaling $601.00 and $380.00 in cash donations as well as donations of Food and Prizes. Receipts were issued for all cash donations and a letter will be sent to all who donated food and prizes. Fire Department Members will check on putting an ad in the paper as well to thank all who donated.
House Number Fundraiser re 911
An option to make glow in the dark House Numbers on an Aluminum Plate to sell for moderate profit will be passed to the Fire Department to see if they are interested in pursuing this fundraiser.
National Fire Chief of the Year Award
Information and criteria regarding a National Fire Chief of the Year Award was presented to Council for their perusal.
General Agreement that the cost to deliver a load of water to the Church in Frederickton would be $50.00 as per policy.
Marlene Peddle $ 30.30 – Reimburse Office Supplies (Paid)
WHSCC $2,132.62 – Workers Comp Coverage (Paid)
NL Power $ 474.55 – Hydro – Fire Hall
NL Power $ 186.14 – Hydro – Booster Station
NL Power $ 299.09 – Hydro – Mun. Bldg.
NL Power $ 81.91 – Hydro – Chlor. Chambers
NL Power $ 47.12 – Hydro – Garage
CNWM $2,032.80 – Curbside Collection Fees
David Parsons $ 125.00 – Repairs to FH O/H Door
EMCO $1,285.91 – Waterline Supplies
Central Office $ 10.37 – Office Supplies
Central Office $ 220.09 – Office Supplies
Bell Aliant $ 202.38 – Phone/Fax/Internet/Office
Bell Mobility $ 34.97 – Phone – Cell
NL Association of Fire Services $ 78.75 – Book – Level 1 FF Course
Motion-3540-14-Deputy Mayor Peddle/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
Bruce Tulk Feedback from Newsletter Research options for car wreck removal RCMP Summer Schedule Info Only
Central Health Coffee Break Invitation June 17 @ 10 a.m. - Brookfield
New Business: Request for Shed Permit
Shed Permit for 142 Main Street approved as per policy.
Request for Shed Permit
Shed Permit for 313 Main Street South approved as per policy.
New Business: Request to build Hen House
Hen House Permit for 186 Main Street approved as per policy.
Request to build Deck on House
Deck Permit at 366 Main Street approved as per policy.
Request to build & relocate Hair Salon
Outside Worker to check site at 87 Main Street as per shed guidelines. If the location is within the guidelines, approval will be granted as per policy with the stipulation that the approval is for construction only and the building must be relocated prior to being opened as a Hair Salon.
Business: Emergency Management/Symposium Report
Will be brought back to next meeting.
Potholes @ Clinic/Post Office
Transportation & Works has advised that the potholes at the edge of the payment by the Clinic and Post Office have been repaired.
Rec Storage re Flea Market
Confirmation that the only the Meeting Room in the Fire Hall will be used on Friday for storage of items for the Rec Flea Market on Saturday. Items will not be stored in the Fire Bay or Main Entrance. If there is an overflow items can be stored at the Municipal Building.
Adjournment: Motion-3541-14-Councillor D. Howell/Deputy Mayor Peddle
Resolved that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, June 16th, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Peddle
Councillor D. Howell Councillor K. Blackwood
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.