Monday, July 27th, 2015
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, July 27th, 2015 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle (Chair)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Guest: John Tulk & Lorna Angell
Absent: Mayor Keith Howell
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:30 p.m.
Agenda: Motion-3728-15-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the Agenda be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Deputy Mayor Peddle asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council on June 29th, 2015 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3729-15-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council on June 29th, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Deputy Mayor Peddle asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council on July 7th, 2015 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3730-15-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council on July 7th, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Deputy Mayor Peddle asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council on July 8th, 2015 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-3731-15-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council on July 8th, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Guest: John Tulk & Lorna Angell
Guest John Tulk and Lorna Angell were welcomed to the meeting by Deputy Mayor Peddle and given the opportunity to present their concern. Mr. Tulk discussed their Business Tax which had increased substantially since their last assessment a few months ago. Mr. Tulk stated that he is not interested in appealing the assessment through the Municipal Assessment Agency. He felt Council has the authority to lower his business tax to a more acceptable and affordable rate. He stated that they have lost rental income; the cost of doing business has gone up; their insurance and utility bills have gone up; and the building is over 30 years old and needs approximately $100,000 in upgrades.
He stated that their inventory has increased but they do not expect sales to increase this year. Further that since we are living in a small community, not living in Gander, he doesn’t think the Business Tax should be so high in a small community. He stated that they would like Council to lower their Business Tax to their previous rate so they can afford to stay in Business and remain in our community.
Deputy Mayor Peddle thanked both guest for coming and said that Council would discuss their concern and they would be advised of the outcome.
Further information is required from the Municipal Assessement Agency as to how and why their assessment was increased to this amount. Results will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion.
Arising: Tender – W/S Project
Approval to proceed with the Tender for the Water and Sewer Project and our Permit To Construct has been received from Municipal Affairs and the Department of Environment and Conservation. August 3rd is the deadline for the tender call.
Chlorination Chambers Update
One side of the building has been completed. The Contractor will be returning on Thursday, July 30th, 2015 to complete the other side and the installation of the new valves inside the building. Water has to be shut off to complete this work. However, they do not anticipate any further complications and expect to have the water back on later that day. Notices will be mailed immediately.
Rec Update
For the past couple of months, the Town Engineer has been working on obtaining an Architect Stamp for this building. There is an Architect from St. John’s currently working on our file and our Engineer anticipates a favourable response within the next week.
Application for Funding – Chlor. Chambers
Our application for financial assistance to replace the main waterline is currently being reviewed by Municipal Affairs. We have been advised that should any funding be forthcoming, it will be on a 90/10 split.
Arising: Admin. Asst/Back up Clerk
A response has been received from the Department of Municipal and Intergovernmental Affairs regarding a grievance filed by the previous Administrative Assistant. Their response is that the Department would have no role to play in this matter.
Clean up Week/Black bags/tipping fees
A draft of new proposed Regulations for Clean-up Week was prepared and presented by Councillor Winsor. The proposed regulations, with member input, will be presented at a future meeting for further discussion and should be in place before the fall clean-up.
Central Waste Management has advised that effective Sept. 1, 2015 Black Bags will no longer be accepted unless a permit is obtained through their office. Further that if black bags or unsorted bags are brought to the Transfer Station the tipping fee will increase from $122/tonne to $180/tonne for the entire load. This includes Clean-up week.
CEEP Application
The Community Enhancement Program Application was submitted before the deadline and a copy sent to our MHA for his information.
Conference Calls with SKYPE
No further information was obtained regarding conference calls with SKYPE. However, Councillor M. Bailet will research the cost of conference telephone calling and bring the results back to the next meeting.
Finance: Audit
Members briefly discussed the 2014 Financial Statements and were given a copy for their information and retention. Any questions regarding the Audit will be brought back to the next meeting for discussion. Further research is required regarding the revenue reported for the Habitat Committee. This information will also be brought back to the next meeting for clarification.
Finance: 2nd Quarter Financial Reports
The 2nd Quarter 2015 Financial Reports were circulated to all members and briefly discussed. Any questions or concerns regarding these reports will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion.
Public Works: Water Report
Water Complaint
A complaint was brought forward from a resident who claims to have dirty water when swimming pools are being filled. The resident also stated that he is not in favour of using the Pumper Truck to fill up pools in Frederickton. This problem was reported a while ago and it was the decision of Council to take the water from the hydrant on Noggin Cove Road as this seemed to alleviate this problem in the past. Fire Department Members will be reminded to use this hydrant when they are watering up wells/pools.
New Chlorine Reader
Motion-3732-15-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved to order a new Chlorine Reader.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
ACWWA Conference
This conference will be held in St. John’s from October 4th to 6th, 2015.
Chlorine Readings – June
Chlorine Readings during the month of June were within the guidelines.
Monthly Water Usage – June
Average water usage during the month of June was 120,000 gal/day.
Fire Dept: Ronald McDonald Relay
A walk from the school to the Fire Hall is scheduled for Sept. 19/15 and they have requested to use the Fire Hall parking lot afterward. Chief White offered the support of the Fire Dept. and advised them to contact the town. More information will be forthcoming from Chief White.
Bell Aliant $ 75.37 – Phone – Fire Dept. (Paid)
TRIO $ 317.60 – Health Premiums (Paid)
Rockwater Professional Products $1168.42 – Chlorine (Paid)
Dooley’s Trucking $ 52.75 – Courier Service (Paid)
Tulk’s Home Hardware $ 39.37 – Garage/Jan. Supplies (Paid)
Municipal Assessment Agency $3360.00 – 3rd Quarter Assess (Paid)
CNWM $2115.30 – Curbside Fees (Paid)
CNWM $2413.54 – Tipping Fees (Paid)
Central Cashier’s Office $ 265.55 – Salt/Sand Mixture (Paid)
Lori Mercer $6102.00 – Audit (Paid)
Tulk’s Home Hardware $2255.47 – Garage Door (Paid)
G & M Services $ 392.99 – Gas Town/FD 20.00 (Paid)
EMCO $ 180.80 – Waterline Supplies (Paid)
EMCO $ 569.52 – Waterline Supplies
Battlefield Equipment Rentals $ 310.19 – Rental of Jack Hammer
Motion-3733-15-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
RCMP Quarterly Report Info Only
New Business: Permit request – Shed
Permit request to build a shed at 186 Main Street was approved as per policy.
New Business: Permit request – Shed
Permit request to build a shed at 196 Main Street was approved as per policy.
Business: Facebook
Information regarding setting up a Town Facebook Page was presented from the town Web Designer/IT person and reviewed by members. Further research as to how other small towns that have Facebook are dealing with the administration aspect and issues that arise. Deputy Mayor Peddle will research and report back to the next meeting.
Outside Worker Overtime
Members were informed that during the waterline repairs at the Chlorination Chambers July 23rd and the schedule repairs for July 30th, the Contractor requires the Outside Worker to be onsite with the Loader while they are working there.
An incident regarding a call out by a Councillor for the Outside Worker to check a water leak was also discussed. The Councillor stated that she did not call out the worker but was just making him aware of the leak. He stated that he had already known about it but was going up the road anyway and would check it out. Overtime was submitted by the worker as a call out.
Adjournment: Motion-3734-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that Council do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Chair.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor K. Blackwood Councillor S. Winsor
Councillor M. Bailet Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle (Chair)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Absent: Mayor Keith Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Call to Order: Chair at 6:15 p.m.
This meeting was called to discuss the corrosion to the main waterline at the Chlorination Chambers.
Members were given copies of: the letter to Municipal Affairs requesting funding and the application for the Public Tender Act Exception under 3(2)(d). Approval to send both the letter and application was given by Council prior to sending by email and fax. In addition, members were given copies of the following supporting documents: pictures of the waterline; a report from Town Engineer and the quote received to complete the work. (Copies of all documents are attached.)
Motion-3724-15-Councillor L. Bailet/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved to proceed with the replacement of the main waterline at the Chlorination Chamber due to the possibility of the pipe rupturing and thus shutting off the water supply to the town.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Motion-3725-15-Councillor S. Winsor/Councillor D. Howell
Resolved that the town approach Municipal Affairs for Special Assistance Funding to cover the cost of the infrastructure at the Chlorination Chamber.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Motion-3726-15-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor L. Bailet
Resolved to apply to Central Purchasing for an Exception to Tender as per Section 3(2)(d) of the Public Tender Act.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Motion-3727-15-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor S. Winsor
Resolved that the meeting be adjourned.
In favour: Deputy Mayor Peddle Councillor D. Howell
Councillor S. Winsor Councillor M. Bailet
Councillor L. Bailet
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Deputy Mayor Marlene Peddle (Chair)
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Sam Winsor
Councillor Michel Bailet
Councillor Linda Bailet
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Absent: Mayor Keith Howell
Councillor Kim Blackwood
Call to Order: Chair at 11:00 a.m.
This meeting was called to discuss the quote received regarding the corrosion to the main waterline at the Chlorination Chambers.
Members were given a drawing of the building, notes from a phone conversation with the Town Engineer earlier today and a quote to do the repairs/replacement. (Copies of all documents are attached.)
General Agreement to contact Municipal Affairs, explain the situation and see where to go from here. Also to request emergency funding to cover the cost as this was not budgeted for and is deemed by the Town Engineer to be urgent and essential.
Results will be brought back to another meeting when information is received.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.