Friday, August 26th, 2022
Minutes of a Special Public Meeting of Council held on Friday, August 26th, 2022 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Deputy Mayor Kimberley Blackwood
Councillor Gordon Blackwood
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Mitchell Nippard
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Absent: Councillor Shawn Budgell
Councillor Hayward Morgan
Call to Order: Chair @ 4:15 p.m.
This meeting was called to further discuss the location of the doors on the rink before requesting the revision to the quote for materials.
Motion-4528-22-Councillor G. Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to keep the double doors at the front entrance to the rink and to keep the single door in front of the dressing room. Further, to remove the door in front of the tool shed and place it in the middle at the back of the rink.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Motion-4529-22-Deputy Mayor Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to order 2 benches to be placed during construction of the rink surface with the location to be determined by Council after inspection of the site.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Adjournment: Motion-4530-22-Deputy Mayor Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve that the meeting be adjourned.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Friday, August 19th, 2022
Minutes of a Special Public Meeting of Council held on Friday, August 19th, 2022 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Chair)
Deputy Mayor Kimberley Blackwood
Councillor Gordon Blackwood
Councillor Dale Howell
Councillor Hayward Morgan (via Remote Attendance – arrived late)
Councillor Mitchell Nippard
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Guest: Engineer Jim Harty
Absent: Councillor Shawn Budgell
Call to Order: Chair @ 7:00 p.m.
This meeting was called to discuss the next steps with regard to the Rink preparation. Engineer Jim Harty gave an overview of what needs to be done along with his recommendations and informed members on what decisions Council needs to make before he can proceed any further.
With regards to the drainage required, Transportation and Works are giving the Town 2 culverts with the stipulation that the Town must replace the asphalt. The culverts are to be located:
- At the Rink entrance a 7 m x 600 mm culvert
- At the Road crossing a 14 m x 800 mm culvert
Two (2) quotes have been received for supply of the panels/fittings delivered for the rink.
- Short Atlantic - $185,380.00 (tax included) which included 5 days with a manufacturer representative on site – any extra days would be $2,000 plus tax per day. Customer to supply installation tools, fork lift, 2 carpenters and 2 general labourers.
- Athletica Sport Systems - $69,218.50 (tax included)
– Supervision extra - one working supervisor to assist town’s 3 person crew for installation - $14,500 plus tax ($2,175) = $16.675.00;
- Clear anodize finish on frames – extra $1,650.00 plus tax ($247.50) = $1,897.50 and
-12 ft. long benches extra @ $1,190 plus tax ($178.50) = $1,368.50 per bench.
Councillor H. Morgan joined the meeting at 7:50 p.m. via Remote Attendance.
Members were in agreement that the top boards are to be blue and the bottom boards yellow. They further agreed that a double gate should go on the back rink boards in the center of the rink and a new quote should be obtained noting the change.
Engineer J. Harty and Council Members discussed the concrete work to be done. Members were in agreement to use rebar in the concrete and insulation under the concrete. They also agreed that the rink location would require Class B and topped with Class A. Outside the Rink itself (around the rink area), members were in agreement that the gravel previously removed from the rink would be put back with a skim of Class A over top.
Motion-4525-22-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor M. Nippard
Resolve that No Rubber Tired Backhoe or Loader will be permitted in the new Rink.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor H. Morgan Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Drain pipes are 12 inch perforated to go behind the rink and down both sides of the property towards the road. Members were in agreement to purchase 2 catch basins (4 ft. deep) with covers @ approximately $1,500 to place in each corner at the back.
Motion-4526-22-Councillor G. Blackwood/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to get the property at the Rink surveyed.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor H. Morgan Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Members were in agreement to purchase 2 12 ft. Benches (cemented in) at the front between the double gates and the green building. To accommodate 2 benches, members were in agreement to remove the double doors at the front entrance and replace with a single door – which would mean 3 single doors at the front of the rink and a double door on the back of the rink. New quote required re above changes.
Members were in agreement to get one contractor with all the required equipment and skills to do the complete concrete job.
Adjournment: Motion-4527-22-Councillor H. Morgan/Councillor G. Blackwood
Resolve that the meeting be adjourned.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor H. Morgan Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Monday, August 15th, 2022
Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of Council held on Monday, August 15th, 2022 in Council Chambers.
Attendees: Mayor Keith Howell (Remote Attendance)
Deputy Mayor Kimberley Blackwood (Election below) (Chair)
Councillor Gordon Blackwood
Councillor Shawn Budgell
Councillor Dale Howell (Remote Attendance)
Councillor Hayward Morgan (Late arrival – Remote Attendance)
Councillor Mitchell Nippard (Acting Chair)
Clerk/Manager Dianne Goodyear
Call to Order: Acting Chair (Councillor M. Nippard) @ 7:40 p.m.
Agenda: Motion-4515-22-Councillor S. Budgell/Councillor G. Blackwood
Resolve that the Agenda be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Minutes: Acting Chair (Councillor M. Nippard) asked if there were any errors or omissions to the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of July 25th, 2022 which had been circulated to all members.
Motion-4516-22-Councillor S. Budgell/Mayor Howell
Resolve that the Minutes of the Regular Public Council Meeting of July 25th, 2022 be adopted as circulated.
In favour: Mayor Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor D. Howell
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
New Councillor: Swearing In and Disclosure Statement
Councillor Kimberley Blackwood was sworn in and completed the Disclosure Statement as required by the Municipal Elections Act.
Election for Deputy Mayor
Councillor Mitchell Nippard was nominated for the position of Deputy Mayor by Councillor Gordon Blackwood and seconded by Councillor Kimberley Blackwood.
Councillor Mitchell Nippard accepted the nomination.
Councillor Kimberley Blackwood was nominated for the position of Deputy Mayor by Councillor Shawn Budgell and seconded by Councillor Mitchell Nippard.
Councillor Kimberley Blackwood accepted the nomination.
There were no other nominations.
Vote was conducted by Secret Ballot. The results were:
4 Votes for Councillor Kimberley Blackwood
2 Votes for Councillor Mitchell Nippard
Kimberley Blackwood was declared Deputy Mayor and took over the Chair Position for the remainder of the meeting. Councillor Mitchell Nippard returned to his seat.
Arising: Rink/NC Head
The first phase of the Rink work has been completed. The next phase involves drainage solutions and ordering the materials required to build the rink as the materials could take 12 weeks for delivery.
The gravel removed from the rink can be used to build up Noggin Cove Head Road. We need an excavator to dig the ditches and scarify the road and a truck to dispose of the alders and to transport the gravel to the area which would have to be contracted out. The Town Loader can be used to spread the gravel on Noggin Cove Head Road. The Road will be moved in around the area with a steep drop for safety reasons. Town Engineer has information on moving the road in.
Motion-4517-22-Mayor Howell/Councillor M. Nippard
Resolve to obtain quotes for an excavator to dig the ditches and scarify the road and a truck to dispose of the alders and transport the gravel to upgrade Noggin Cove Head Road.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Sewer Camera
The Sewer Camera could not be put through the Main Sewer Line on Main Street South as it was impossible to keep the line dry which was required to use the camera. However, a larger sewer jet was used and cleared the line out. The result was a block of grease the diameter of the sewer pipe and about 8 or 10 inches long that had hardened at the area where the salt water meets the fresh water. Previous use of sewer jets would clear the blockages on a smaller scale by punching a hole through the center of the built up grease which would fill in again over time as residents continued to dispose of grease through the sewer lines.
During the past year alone, clearing this sewer line has cost the Town $10,085.50 when the problem has nothing to do with the sewer line design or function. The sewer lines work exactly as they were designed to do. However, the problem is coming from what is being dumped in the sewer lines – grease, masks, j-cloths, wipes, etc. – none of which should ever be disposed of through the sewer lines.
Members were in agreement that a letter be sent to the Residents connected to the Town Sewer on Main Street South stating the results and asking residents to cooperate by not disposing any of the above through the sewer line in the future to avoid extra cost per household to cover future cost to the Town for the same problem.
Finance: FES Funding
Motion-4518-22-Councillor S. Budgell/Councillor D. Howell
Resolve to accept FES Funding in the amount of $7,500 towards the purchase of a SCBA for the Fire Department estimated at $14,099.52 with the Town accepting responsibility of the remainder of the cost.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
W.S. Change Orders
Motion-4519-22-Councillor D. Howell/Councillor G. Blackwood
Resolve to approve Change Order # 8 in the amount of $8,452.04 and Change Order # 9 in the amount of $1,118.69 as presented by Engineer J. Harty.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: Councillor S. Budgell
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
(Councillor H. Morgan joined the meeting via Remote Attendance at 8:25 p.m.)
Collection Report
The Collection Report for the month of July was presented to and reviewed by members. Approximately 40% of arrears have been collected to date.
Land Sales
Stewart McKelvey advised the surplus on Land Sales in the amount of $9,993.75 is to be paid to the property owner. The Town is only entitled to the total arrears and legal fees from the Land Sales.
Finance: Cell Phone Replacement
Members were informed the Town Worker’s Cell Phone is in need of replacement. Prices will be obtained and brought back to the next meeting for further discussion.
Public Works: Water Report
Test Results from water samples taken by Government Services on August 3rd, 2022 were satisfactory.
Chlorine Readings
Chlorine Readings for the month of July were presented to and reviewed by members and found to be within the recommended guidelines.
Water Usage & Flow Data
The Water Usage and Flow Data reports were presented to and reviewed by members. The average water usage was 158,764 gallons per day.
Dirty Water
Recent complaints (on Facebook) of dirty water were discussed by members. The main water lines were flushed in July and screens were recently cleaned as per schedule.
Motion-4520-22-Councillor G. Blackwood/Councillor S. Budgell
Resolve that the Main Waterline will be swabbed between September and October following the Fall Schedule for Waterline Flushing/Cleaning.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor H. Morgan
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Public Works: Town Garage Siding
Repairs required to the siding on the Town Garage were identified and discussed by members. Town Workers will do the required repairs.
Loader (4 wheel drive)
The Switch to put the Loader in 4 wheel drive is broken. Members were in agreement to order a new switch.
Habitat: New Members
Motion-4521-22-Councillor G. Blackwood/Councillor M. Nippard
Resolve that the new member request for Nathanael White and Lorna Angell to join the Habitat Committee be approved as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor H. Morgan
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Library Box
The JCP under the Habitat Committee are constructing a Community Library Box (take a book, leave a book). The Committee is requesting approval to locate the Community Library Box on the Municipal Grounds at 8 Noggin Cove Road. Members discussed several options regarding the location of the Library Box, all of which will be passed on to the Committee for their consideration. However, members were in agreement that the Library Box could be located at the Municipal Grounds if that remains their final choice.
NL Power $1,806.55 – Hydro – Street Lighting (Paid)
Bell Aliant $ 308.43 – Phone/ Fax/Internet (Paid)
Modern Printing Group $ 194.35 – Ballots (Paid)
Sheila Goodyear $ 17.94 – Kitchen Supplies (Paid)
Bell Mobility $ 36.45 – Phone – Cell (Paid)
Action Car & Truck Accessories $ 123.03 – Trailer Hitch/Ball (Paid)
CIBC Mellon $ 589.12 – Pension Premiums (Paid)
NAPE $ 118.26 – Union Dues (Paid)
Receiver General for Canada $5,131.51 – Payroll Remittance (Paid)
H. Wareham & Sons Ltd. $4,945.00 – Sewer Jet/Truck (Paid)
Bell Aliant $ 81.36 – Phone FD (Paid)
G & M Services $ 689.83 – Gas/Diesel (Paid)
Action Trucks $ 39.38 – Hitch/PU (Paid)
CNWM $1,797.92 – Tipping Fees
TRIO $ 331.80 – Health Premiums
Central Office Equipment $ 107.82 – Office Supplies
Computer Shack $ 471.45 – Toners
ANW Construction Limited $13,800.00 – Rink Work
G & M Services $ 398.58 – Town: 198.58: FD 200.00
Motion-4522-22-Mayor Howell/Councillor M. Nippard
Resolve that the outstanding accounts be paid in full as presented.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor H. Morgan
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
From Regarding Action
MNL Ukraine Independence Day Proclamation To be signed by Mayor
FASD Atlantic Proclamation To be signed by Mayor
New Business: Hosting Events/Fundraising
Further information is required regarding this topic. Results will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion.
Business: Meeting with Town Engineer
Members were informed that the Town Engineer is requesting a meeting with Council within the next few days to discuss the remaining work to be done at the Rink. Members will be notified of the date as soon as the Engineer has completed the proposal.
Gazebo Property
There has been more vandalism at the Gazebo with a knife gouging the rails etc. and the knife being left on site. There continues to be deplorable garbage thrown on the ground as well. Members and staff will continue to monitor the situation.
Student Work Hours
Motion-4523-22-Councillor G. Blackwood/Councillor S. Budgell
Resolve that the maximum hours a student hired by the Town, Habitat and Recreation Committees can work per day is 8 hours.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor H. Morgan
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Adjournment: Motion-4524-22-Councillor G. Blackwood/Councillor S. Budgell
Resolve that Council do now adjourn to meet again on September 12th, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
In favour: Mayor Howell Deputy Mayor Blackwood
Councillor S. Budgell Councillor G. Blackwood
Councillor D. Howell Councillor H. Morgan
Councillor M. Nippard
Opposed: 0
Abstaining: 0
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.